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Löfström, C ;Engström, J; Richter, M; Kaminski, CF; Johansson, P; Nyholm, K; Hult, J; Nygren, J; Aldén, M, "Feasibility studies and application of laser/optical diagnostics for characterisation of a practical low-emission gas turbine combustor", ASME paper No. 2000-GT-124 (2000) | pdf 


The present paper presents applications and feasibility studies of a number of laser spectroscopic techniques in a lean premixed prevaporised (LPP) combustor. Four different laser diagnostic techniques were investigated. The two more mature techniques, Planar Mie Scattering/Laser Induced Fluorescence and Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence of OH were used for fuel- and OH- visualisation, respectively. In addition, the applicability of some novel techniques in harsh industrial environments were investigated, two-line atomic fluorescence

(TLAF) to obtain 2-dimensional temperature distributions, and two-photon LIF for the detection of CO. In order to investigate the degree of turbulence an ultrafast framing camera was employed to record spontaneous emission.
