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Hardalupas, Y; Orain, M; Panoutsos, CS; Taylor, AMKP; Olofsson, J; Seyfried, H; Richter, M; Hult, J; Alden, M; Hermann, F; Klingmann, J, "Chemiluminescence sensor for local equivalence ratio of reacting mixtures of fuel and air (FLAMESEEK)", APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING 24:1619-1632(2004), DOI:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2003.10.028, | pdf 


This paper describes a Cassegrain optics-based chemiluminescence sensor (CS) for measurements in gas turbine combustors. The chemiluminescence sensor measures the equivalence ratio of reacting fuel and air mixtures, and can identify the flame location, in partially premixed flames. It has the potential for monitoring the degree of premixedness of reacting fuel and air in industrial gas turbine combustors, where operation with lean premixed mixtures is important for reduction of NOx emissions. The spatial resolution of the sensor is evaluated by comparing OH chemiluminescence measurement from the CS with laser induced OH fluorescence, in the cone-shaped premixed flame of a Bunsen burner. The ability of the sensor to measure in a modified micro-gas turbine environment burning a methane/air, as well as, a methane/water/air flame (humidified flame) is also demonstrated.
