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Laser Analytics Group


I am currently serving as a principal investigator in the H2020 project FUNCrystals, the European Union (EU) flagship program of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). My current research activity focuses on synthesising sustainable functional organic nanocrystals for phosphorescence microscopic development and further bioimaging applications. I am also interested in the organic highly emissive crystals fabrication and nonlinear optical materials characterisation for multimodal applications.


In 2014, I graduated with a PhD in Physics from Bharathiar University, India. From 2015-to 2017, I worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the nonlinear optics and photophysics group at Centro de investigations en Optica, Mexico. Subsequently (2017-2019), I served as a research associate C position in Centro de Investigaciones en Optica, Mexico, Then, I was employed as a post-doctoral investigator D level (2019-2020) at the biophotoacustic laboratory at the University of Guanajuato, Mexico. In 2021, I received the prestigious MSCA Individual Fellowship and joined Prof Clemens Kaminski's Laser Analytics Group.


Marie Curie Post Doctoral Research Fellow
Not available for consultancy

